In partnership with the Saxon Ministry for Regional Development, we at KreativLandTransfer // European Perspectives intend to strengthen rural regions and facilitate European knowledge transfer.

We’re seeking successful collaborations between cultural and creative industries (CCIs) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in rural regions across Europe. Our goal is to showcase their innovative and cross-sectoral approaches on this platform, making them accessible to all those interested.

If you’ve been or are currently part of such a collaboration, we’ve compiled a questionnaire for you to share your experiences with others. We’ll feature the collaborations submitted on our website and select certain projects for interviews about their personal experiences.

The questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The KreativLandTransfer team

Project title

Collaboration partner from the cultural and creative industries (CCI)

Economic segment *

Collaboration partner from an SME (small or medium-sized enterprise)

Economic segment *

Other collaboration partner



e.g., infrastructure, working and living conditions, age and population structure
Type of innovation *

How did the collaboration come about? *

What’s the added value of the collaboration for the partners involved? *

What’s the added value of the collaboration for the region? *

What advice would you give to similar collaboration projects planned in other European regions?

Would you like to receive information about the findings of the online survey and updates on the KreativLandTransfer // European Perspectives project?