
Katharina Pintz
Katharina PintzProject coordinator


Head organisation // By creatives for creatives

Advocacy, visibility and projects for the cultural and creative industries in Saxony

In 2015, three local authority associations – Kreatives Leipzig, Kreatives Dresden and Wir Gestalten Chemnitz, with members spanning all segments of the cultural and creative sector – teamed up to establish Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen e.V. (Saxony Association of Cultural and Creative Industries). It’s dedicated to enhancing the visibility, promotion and networking of Saxony’s twelve subsectors of the cultural and creative industries. As an advocacy group, it takes a stand on economic policy initiatives and instruments, devises joint proposals to improve conditions, and brings its expertise to bear on an array of projects at local, regional, national and European levels.
